December 14, 2011

Jesus Talks Money

This reminds me of an old expression: “The last thing we place in Jesus’ hands is our checkbook.” Scott+

Mammon: Servant or Master?

According to the Old Testament, if I didn’t tithe, I was stealing from God. (Malachi 3.9) Jesus took it several steps further. He said, “Pick one—only one. You can’t serve both God and Money.” When I first read Jesus’ statement about serving God and Mammon, it seemed simple, almost obvious, but when I thought about it, I realized many of my decisions had been improperly motivated by money. I asked myself, do my actions and motivations revolve around money, or do I use money as a tool to achieve my goals? Do I use IT, or does IT use me? When I have to make a decision, who decides?

(Wealth Conundrum, Ralph Doudera, Signature Editions, 2007)

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