May 21, 2011

Another Christian Thumping

by Father Scott Homer

The headline reads, Apocaplyse Not: Harold Camping Wrong-Again-about 'The Rapture'. But the real news is not that somebody somewhere is predicting the end of the world. That is about as common as sliced bread. The news story is really about a news media that is so intent on slinging mud at Christian leaders and so devoted to making them look stupid that they will create a story just to promote anti-Christian sympathies. This Harold Camping guy predicted the rapture before. He got big news coverage before. He was wrong before. He is a crackpot and virtually every reasonable person in the world has said so. So, when is the media going to stop parading him and guys like him before the public as if they are legitimate spokesmen for the Faith? Answer: when the media is convinced that nobody is paying attention to the legitimate Christian leaders anymore.

1 comment:

Dan Crawford said...

Sadly, Scott, the news media pays attention because a whole slew of misinformed, misguided, and more than a little ignorant Christians fall for this stuff and spend millions of dollars propagating it. Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe (along with Rexella) are still selling this stuff on "Christian" TC and radio and making big bucks doing so. Sort of what happens when the Reformation emphasis on individual biblical interpretation runs amok.